Turtle Time – Day 3
Back to the ocean today for another lap of the race course, great to be greeted by this Turtle Dude swimming about at the beach.
Great swim using the Aqua Sphere Energizer Speed Suit (I don’t want to wear out the race suit). There must have been a strong current running today, took 8 minutes longer to swim back than the way out, still good swim 1hr for the course, 4.4k in total.
The afternoon was run time, I left it until later in the afternoon to let the temperature drop a bit (hopefully), it didn’t feel like it!. Ran out to the energy lab and back along the Queen K, doing 15 minute intervals. Good to get some mental markers of how far back it is to the finish for race day. Felt tough but happy to be hitting the pace with heart rate only slightly over normal for Scottish temperatures.
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